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Cancelations and Refunds

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Minimum 24 Hours Notice

Cancelations must be made no later than the day prior to a snow event or scheduled service. If a request is made to cancel the service the same day as the service, no refund can be granted and our Snow Elves will still arrive to your home. Our Snow Elves are dispatched first thing in the morning with their dedicated routes so by the time your cancelation request is made, they are already on the move. 


If our Snow Elves arrive at your property and the snow has already been cleared by yourself or someone else, we will make our best effort to clear any areas which may have been missed or to clean up the snow as best they can. Unfortunately no refund can be made in this situation as our Elves were dispatched as requested and arrived to complete the job.


Monthly and Seasonal Service Cancelations

Your service may be canceled anytime through the course of the month/season. If you cancel your seasonal service, you will be refunded on a prorated monthly basis with your service being canceled at the end of the current month. If you cancel your seasonal service within the first 5 days of the month and there have been no snow events, you may request an immediate cancelation and you will not be charged for that month.


​If you cancel a monthly service, you will be charged on a per time basis for the number of times we have serviced your home that month, with the balance being refunded to you. For example, if we have serviced your home 3 times that month, you will be refunded your monthly cost less the cost of three one-time services.  


​Making a Cancelation/Refund Request

All cancelations and requests for refunds must be made via email email or a direct phone call - requests made via text may not be received. Please note you will always receive a confirmation email of your cancelation within 24 hours of your request. If you do not receive this email, your initial request may not have been received so please contact us again.


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